Nutrition Tips for Keeping your New Year's Resolution

Nutrition Tips for Keeping your New Year's Resolution

By Deepa Agarwal  on: 10 December 2021
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Track what you eat using an app or a journal Find out what drives you to eat (stress, anxiety, sadness, using food as a reward when you feel happy) Limit added sugars (sugars in cookies, cakes, etc. not the naturally occurring sugars in fruit) Cut out liquid calories like alcohol, soda, and juice and drink water instead Choose whole grain breads and cereals Eat more frequently, have 5-6 mini meals instead of 3 large meals (and don’t skip breakfast) Include lean protein (fish, lean meat, poultry, nuts, beans, and more) Choose carbs that are low on the glycemic index (asparagus is much lower than a potato) Eat more fiber to help you feel full (foods high in fiber include artichokes, green peas, lentils, broccoli, and lima beans) Enjoy small amounts of good fat (found in fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil)

Get personalized Diet Consultations Today!! For more details consult Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist at 9940220005 or #bestdieticianinhyderabad #bestdietitian #drdeepaagarwal #weightloss #weightlossjourney #dietplan #dietplanforweightloss #nutritionist #newyear

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Deepa Agarwal

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Famous and Best Dietician and Nutritionist in Hyderabad, India 

As a child growing up in Siliguri, a small town in the North Eastern part of India, I was taught by my father, a great humanitarian, the importance of dedicating one's life to serving people and knew from a young age that my passion was to heal the sick and become a successful health care professional. Yet, I desired to become a Clinical Nutritionist with determination and commitment. After graduating from Osmania University, Hyderabad, I sought further education at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai, for the only reason that this was the only medical institution then providing a full fledged Masters program in Clinical Nutrition with superior clinical training and exposure. Clinical Nutritionist plays a vital role in providing Optimal Medical Nutrition Therapy for the plethora of diseases inherent in both adults and pediatrics which is very satisfying. An achievement starts with a desire, and takes one on a long journey. Mario Andretti once said,Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. Setting out on mine, I graduated from Osmania University, where my passion and drive for Clinical nutrition was nurtured and I was awarded the Best out going student as well as the best academic performance award. To this end, I then completed my Masters program. At Sri Ramachandra Medical College I got familiarized with the healthcare system by working one-on-one with clinicians as well as with patients, thus broadening my clinical knowledge.In order to stay current with the fields advancements, I attended International, National and Regional Conferences, Workshops and Symposiums. Next milestone in my career was registering for PhD at Sri Ramachandra Medical College. During my PhD tenure I was exposed to the research field. Publications in various peer reviewed indexed International and National journals is a reflection of my academic achievement. Collectively experiences of rigor, self-discipline and dedication, have given me tremendous insight into what to expect during my training. My passion for Nutrition also extends to volunteerism: I have actively involved in conducting community programs emphasizing on optimal nutrition from pediatrics to geriatrics. Dr Deepa Agarwal is one of the best dietician/ Nutritionist in Hyderabad. Famous for weight loss consultations.
Deepa Agarwal
Dr. Deepa Agarwal
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