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  • Healthy and Balanced Diet for Diabetes!!

    In  On 11 December 2021

    Eating certain foods and limiting others can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins can have significant benefits. Get personalized Diet Consultations Today!! For more details consult Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist at 9940220005 or #bestdieticianinhyderabad #bestdietitian #drdeepaagarwal #weightloss #weightlossjourney #dietplan #dietplanforweightloss #nutritionist #newyear #diabeticdiet

  • Weight Loss Tips!!

    In  On 10 December 2021

    Exercise is a key part of weight loss. It is recommended adults get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, which equals 30 minutes 5 days a week. Concentrate on making healthful changes instead of concentrating only on the number on the scales. Mini goals may feel less overwhelming than one large goal. Avoid labeling foods as “good” and “bad.” Forbidden foods can lead to cravings and then guilt when those foods are eaten. Choose nutritious foods most of the time and enjoy treats in moderation. Avoid getting overly hungry. Waiting to eat until starving can make it harder to be mindful of healthful choices. Planning meals ahead of time can help ensure healthful choices are available, especially since many restaurant meals tend to be higher in calories, fat, and salt. Enlist friends and family members to help support health goals and behavior changes. Work on getting adequate sleep and managing stress levels in addition to choosing healthful foods and staying active, as sleep and stress affect health.   Get personalized Diet Consultations Today!! For more details consult Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist at 9940220005 or #bestdieticianinhyderabad #drdeepaagarwal #weightloss #weightlossjourney #dietplan #dietplanforweightloss #nutritionist #newyear

  • Nutrition Tips for Keeping your New Year's Resolution

    In  On 10 December 2021

    Track what you eat using an app or a journal Find out what drives you to eat (stress, anxiety, sadness, using food as a reward when you feel happy) Limit added sugars (sugars in cookies, cakes, etc. not the naturally occurring sugars in fruit) Cut out liquid calories like alcohol, soda, and juice and drink water instead Choose whole grain breads and cereals Eat more frequently, have 5-6 mini meals instead of 3 large meals (and don’t skip breakfast) Include lean protein (fish, lean meat, poultry, nuts, beans, and more) Choose carbs that are low on the glycemic index (asparagus is much lower than a potato) Eat more fiber to help you feel full (foods high in fiber include artichokes, green peas, lentils, broccoli, and lima beans) Enjoy small amounts of good fat (found in fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil) Get personalized Diet Consultations Today!! For more details consult Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist at 9940220005 or #bestdieticianinhyderabad #bestdietitian #drdeepaagarwal #weightloss #weightlossjourney #dietplan #dietplanforweightloss #nutritionist #newyear

  • Potatoes and Weight Loss!

    In  On 20 June 2018

    The truth is that potatoes can either make you fat or help you lose weight. Even though some of the biggest weight gain culprits are french fries and potato chips that are highly fattening, the same is not true for all clean freshly boiled potatoes. There's a scale that is called satiety index. What this does is measures the ability of foods to keep your stomach full and make you eat fewer calories at subsequent meals. And guess which food had the highest score? Yes, you guessed it right, it was white boiled potatoes. This basically means if you eat more potatoes you should eat less of other foods instead, as it helps to keep your stomach full. If you want to supercharge the weight loss effect of potatoes then cool them down after boiling them, what this does is it increases their content of resistant starch. This is a fiber like substance that can help you lose weight. #bestdietcianinhyderabad #weightloss #bestdieticianinsecunderabad

  • Weight Loss Tips!!

    In  On 17 June 2018

    Weight Loss Tips!!  Eat a high-protein breakfast.  Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.  Drink water a half hour before meals.  Choose weight loss-friendly foods  Eat soluble fiber.  Drink coffee or tea.  Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods.  Eat your food slowly.  Exercise Regularly  Good Sleep  #weightloss  #weightlossinhyderabad  #bestdieticianinhyderabad  #bestdietcianinsecunderabad 

  • Keto Diet!!

    In  On 16 June 2018

    What is Keto Diet??? A Keto diet involves removing (or significantly reducing) your carbohydrate intake. It’s a diet that consists of high fat and high protein foods.  Ketosis is basically where your body uses fat and protein for fuel, instead of carbohydrates. When you remove carbohydrates (or significantly reduce them) from your diet, your body has no choice but to start using fat and protein for fuel instead. By cutting out a major food group (carbohydrates) you will increase your bodies ability to burn fat and also reduce the overall number of calories you consume (which will lead to further weight loss). If you are overweight then the obvious health benefit to following a ketosis food plan is weight loss. The heavier you are the more stress that you place on your vital organs: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, etc. Losing weight will reduce this unnecessary stress and help you to function more efficiently. A ketones diet also has a powerful effect on improving mental functioning (focus, memory, mood, etc) POSITIVE EFFECTS OF KETOGENIC DIETING… Rapid weight loss  Reduced Inflammation – less bloating, and puffiness around the eyes,  less aches and joint pains, clearer mental focus, positive mood Increased Energy – after the 1-2 week break in phase, people tend to start feeling vibrant and energised. Reduced Hunger & Cravings – after a couple of weeks on a ketogenic food plan hunger tends to slow down and your body gets used to the high fat/high protein foods Clearer Skin – It’s common to experience improvements to your skin when switching to a ketogenic diet. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF KETOSIS…  Headaches and mood swings – it’s not uncommon to experience fatigue, headaches and mood swings, especially during the first few weeks. This is largely down to your body adapting to the new keto foods and flushing toxins out of your system.  Cravings – if your current diet is rich in fast food/carbohydrates then you will likely experience cravings (again usually lasts for a couple of weeks) when switching to keto. This is because your body is used to the sugars and stimulants, so when you remove them you experience a withdrawal. Poor Sleep – carbohydrates help us relax and release feel good hormones that promote good quality sleep. One of the side effects that can happen on a keto plan is experiencing poor sleep. It’s usually a temporary phase and there are supplements which you can buy to help you get a good nights sleep (magnesium, zinc and melatonin) #weightlossfoods #Bestdieticianinhyderabad #DrDeepaAgarwalNutritionist #Ketodiet

  • Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution!!

    In  On 13 June 2018

    Common Question asked for #Weight Loss and #Diabetes Management?  Should the focus of nutrition therapy for type 2 diabetes be on weight loss or improved blood glucose control?  It is likely that early in the course of the disease process, when insulin resistance is still prominent, either energy restriction or weight loss will improve blood glucose levels. But as the disease progresses and insulin deficiency becomes more prominent, it may be too late for weight loss to be helpful. In fact, at later stages of the disease, when medications, including insulin, need to be combined with nutrition therapy, prevention of weight gain often becomes the goal. However, glycemic control should take precedence over concerns about weight.  #diabetes  #weightloss  #bestdieticianinhyderabad  #DrDeepaAgarwal 

  • Calcium- Secret Fat Burner

    In  On 01 September 2017

    Secret belly-fat burner: Calcium Low-Fat Milk, Low-Fat Yogurt or Swiss cheese A review of more than 90 studies in the journal Nutrition Reviews revealed a strong link between high calcium intake and improved body composition. When your calcium is low, your body secretes hormones that let you make better use of the calcium you have. Problem is, at the same time, your body signals fat cells to hold onto fat, including the fat in your belly. Dairy, including milk (even whole milk, just watch your calories), cheese (especially Swiss), and yogurt, are the preferred sources of calcium. Eat three servings of dairy a day, and keep the rest of your diet in check, and you will steadily lose weight.  

  • Irregular Periods

    In  On 23 June 2017

    Irregular Periods.......Eating Too Little or Exercising Too Much could be the reason says Dr Deepa Agarwal, Best Dietician in Hyderabad. This can slow your metabolism down. The body will slow itself down in response to a lack of food or excessive amounts of exercise to conserve itself. Studies show that if you do aerobic exercise for more than 1 hour a day, your metabolic rate can drop by as much as 15%. In addition, eating too little can have the same effect. If you are eating too little, so much so that your fat stores cannot cover your calorie deficit, your body will begin to use lean mass to get the energy that it needs. This study shows that over a 6 month period of a 25% calorie deficit, your metabolic rate will only drop about 6%. Studies show that as long as you%u2019re eating at enough of a deficit that your fat stores can cover, your metabolic rate doesn%u2019t change too much. If you do go over that deficit, though, your metabolic rate will severely drop in order to protect vital organs (this is a real %u201Cstarvation mode%u201D response from your body). Against all logic, adding some extra calories from fat and protein to your daily macros may help. Try it for a few days, and see the results. If you exercise a lot, try cutting it back some and give yourself some extra rest days. My personal advice is 4 days maximum of hard training during the week.

  • Eat a Rainbow Everyday says Dr Deepa Agarwal, Best Dietician in Hyderabad

    In  On 10 March 2017

    Eat a Rainbow Everyday says Dr Deepa Agarwal, Best Dietician in Hyderabad Whilst theres no one particular food or nutrient that gives us everything we need, likewise, no *one* colour provides all the available nutritional power either. Every colour found in food, whether its green, red, purple, blue, yellow, and even white, reveals something nutritionally quite unique. By choosing a variety of colour in the diet, preferably at each meal, we can all be sure of enjoying a rich and varied spectrum of nutrients. For those who find nutritional science intimidating, or worst, eating by the colours is not only more appealing, its easy as ABC. Often the best advice to give is simply to eat the rainbow every day! Breakfast Greens and Blues - Avocado, watercress and blueberry smoothie Reds, oranges and yellows - Slices banana, papaya and mango, topped with fresh pomegranate seeds Lunch Reds, oranges and yellows - Carrot, tomato and red chilli soup, with a baked sweet potato and radicchio salad All greens - Salad of baby spinach and lamb's lettuce, with avocado, pumpkin seeds, chopped cucumber, sliced courgette and green olives Snack White - white bean hummus with raw cauliflower florets Green - Nori seaweed wraps filled with sliced avocado, alfalfa and sliced cucumber Dinner White and purple - Stir fry of onion, garlic, mushrooms, purple sprouting brocolli, red and white cabbage, with mixed white beans and kedney beans A full rainbow meal - Leafy green salad of romaine lettuce, watercress and chicory, topped with avocado, cucumber, red and yellow pepper, carrot, courgette, tomato . . . and garnished with arame seaweed strips, Nori flakes, chopped mint and pomegranate seeds. Dessert Blues - Freshly sliced purple figs with blueberry and blackberry sorbet #askdrdeepa  #bestdieticiandrdeepa  #rainbowdiet  

  • Lenten Diet

    In  On 01 March 2017

    Lenten Diet The Lenten Diet is completely spiritual in nature. The Lenten Diet takes place for 40 days out of the year typically starting with Ash Wednesday and ending either the Thursday or Saturday before the Easter holiday. Those that participate in the Lenten Diet are forbidden from having meat on Fridays during Lent. Ash Wednesday is for fasting. On that day, one meatless meal is allowed. Not all meat is banned on Fridays with this diet. Anything that is a warm blooded animal is what has to be avoided. Below are the types of foods you can have on Fridays: Lobster Crab Shrimp Squid Octopus All vegetables fresh or canned Fresh Fruits Fruit and vegetable juices Beans and lentils Olives Brown Rice Spaghetti Olive oil (if used sparingly) #BestDieticianinhydearbad #Drdeepadietician #Lentendietinhyderabad

  • weight fluctuates so much from morning till evening? Why?

    In  On 17 February 2017

    Q: Why does my weight fluctuate so much from morning till evening? Answer: Ever so often, patients come to me, saying: %u201CI%u2019ve tried several strict diet programmes and yet things go wrong. After all the hard work and effort I put in with diet and exercise, my weight doesn%u2019t budge. In fact, there are days when my weight increases by 1-2kg by the end of the day!%u201D It%u2019s hard not to worry when you see the scale jump a kilo or two overnight or, worse, the same day. What you need to understand, however, is that there is no need to. Such weight fluctuations in a day can mean any of the following things: Water retention Since most of us can%u2019t eat so much in a day or two that we actually gain a couple of kilos a day, a dramatic increase in weight could be due to water retention.  Eating, drinking, urinating, bowel movements, exercise%u2014everything can affect your body%u2019s water composition and, therefore, weight. For example, high-carb and high-salt foods lead to water retention and an increase in weight.  If you exercise regularly and an excess of salt is a one-off thing, you can lose the weight. But if you consume too much salt regularly, your body holds on to the water to get that balance back; this translates to weight gain.  Conversely, if you suddenly pretty much stop consuming sodium, you will release water%u2014this, in turn, will result in weight loss. But this weight loss is only temporary since your body adjusts to the new levels of sodium accordingly via the hormone aldosterone (a steroid hormone made by the adrenal glands; its main role is to regulate salt and water in the body). This is important to note, because a lot of people go %u201Coff salt%u201D in the attempt to lose weight. However, it only leaves them feeling giddy and sick. Carbs intake The amount of carbs you consume can also explain the varying number on the scale. For every gram of carbohydrate that your body stores via glycogen, it stores three grams of water. Switching to a low-carb diet, therefore, often leads to rapid weight loss, but it is not fat you%u2019re losing, it%u2019s the body using up the stored glycogen for energy, which causes less water to be retained, thus leading to weight loss. Menstrual bloat  Women tend to retain water during their menstrual cycle owing to hormonal fluctuations. For this reason, it%u2019s best for women not to weigh themselves during their menstrual cycle.  Alcohol  Alcohol is a diuretic and causes dehydration in the body, which leads to water retention.  Strength training  Lifting weights or doing body-weight exercises can cause trauma to muscle tissue. This is how the muscle rebuilds itself and makes one stronger and more toned. But in order to rebuild the muscle fibre, your muscles retain water to help speed up the process in the cells. So you may see your weight go northwards.  Bathroom visits If you cannot use the toilet regularly during the day and then decide to weigh yourself, you may notice a half to one-and-a-half kilogram of weight gain. Long-distance travel This can also cause fluid retention and dehydration. Drinking alcohol on flights worsens the problem.  #askdrdeepa #bestdietician #famousnutritionist  

  • Pre Workout Options by Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist

    In  On 15 February 2017

    How much time before cardio? I typically eat a banana about an hour before my workout. Is this too far out? Should I eat closer to the workout time?  Answer: Basically you don't -need- to provided you have adequate glycogen stores from the morning afternoon or even day before. The key is to use energy that is stored as muscle glycogen before it gets turned into fat. This is why cyclists carb load the night before, they can use the stored glycogen the next day before it becomes fat. Your body doesn't work like a car in the sense that it is constantly converting what you put into it into useable energy, it's more like a cell phone that you charge and then use. Kind of a tortured metaphor but you get my point. There are foods that can be converted to glucose (energy) really fast. Dried fruits, crackers, any simple carbs basically. Bananas are actually not great for that purpose. They're slower to digest than say, berries. They're high in potassium and magnesium though which is great for after a work out because you're low on electrolytes.  Your goal is to have energy for a work out, and if you time it right your regular meals and healthy snacks during the day are enough. I wouldn't try and fuel yourself specifically for a work out, just eat a balanced diet at all other times and eat ENOUGH while making sure to drink lots of water. It is amazing how few people just don't eat enough nor eat healthy when they do. Solves almost all energy problems. Caffeine is completely unnecessary if you eat properly.  Haven't you had a workout where you get the timing just right and you have a ton of energy though you haven't eaten in awhile? The key is to schedule your work outs in that time frame, and then you can either eat as you go (extended cardio) or eat at the end (usually better so you don't cramp.)  At the end of the day, you have to get to know your body and also see what diet makes sense to the type of fitness you do. My best work outs are just before dinner. I've had two good meals and I've been hydrating all day. Then afterwards I can eat what ever I want because my body is in dire need of protein and carbs.

  • Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist in Hyderabad says Stay Hydrated this Summer

    In  On 14 February 2017

    Dr Deepa Agarwal, Nutritionist in Hyderabad says Stay Hydrated this Summer Drink up... Tips for staying hydrated Hydration is vital to our overall health and well-being.  In addition to helping the body function properly, water helps regulate body temperature and flush out waste.  The following tips can help you stay hydrated:  Drink 10-12 glasses of water each day. This is a general recommendation that will change based on age, chronic conditions, and activity level. Bring a reusable water bottle to work and drink from it throughout the day, refilling as needed.  Drink water during your meals. Not only can it help you stay hydrated, but it can help you feel more full, which can help prevent you from overindulging at mealtime.  Not a huge fan of drinking plain water? Consider flavouring it with slices of citrus fruit or a splash of 100% fruit juice. Or, experiment with the water%u2019s temperature see whether you like it better cold from the fridge, chilled over ice, or at room temperature. #hydration #summerfoods #drdeepanutritionist

  • Famous Dietician and Nutritionist Dr Deepa Agarwal recommends foods to be avoided on empty stomach

    In  On 13 February 2017

    Foods to avoid on an empty stomach Shortcrust and puff pastries: Foods that contain yeast irritate the lining of the stomach and may cause flatulence. Sweets: Eating sugar boosts insulin levels, which in turn significantly increases the load on the pancreas which have just %u201Cwoken up%u201D. Yoghurt and other fermented milk products: If you eat yoghurt on an empty stomach then, hydrochloric acid, formed in the stomach kills the lactic acid bacteria. So eating such products for breakfast has little benefit for the body. Pears: Crude fiber found in pears can injure delicate mucous membranes of an empty stomach. Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain high levels of tannic acid that increase acidity in the stomach. This can lead to gastric ulcers. Cucumbers: Although a rich source of amino acids, they cause heartburn, flatulence and abdominal pain when consumed on an empty stomach. Spicy food: Spicy food can cause damage and irritation to gastric mucosa and increase acid production in the stomach. This contributes to many common disorders of the digestive system. Carbonated drinks: Drinking carbonated beverages in the morning can damage the mucous membranes and reduce the blood supply to the stomach. As a result food digests more slowly. #bestnutritionistdrdeepa #weightlosshyderabad #breakfastdiet #morningfoods

  • Summer Foods by Best Dietician and Nutritionist Dr Deepa Agarwal, Hyderabad

    In  On 12 February 2017

    With the mercury levels rising to new highs everyday, summer seems to completely drain us out. Temperatures have been scorching high and humidity levels have escalated to between 70 and 80 per cent. Most of us feel dehydrated and low on energy in such a climate and we look for ways to cool ourselves. Our body needs cooling foods that will balance our diet and keep our energy levels stable. Here are 10 best cooling foods for the Indian summer . Curd/ yogurt Curd is a delicious coolant. You can make delicious - chilled spicy buttermilk, a glass of lassi or chachh and raita. You can also add fruits to the curds to make a lip-smacking and wholesome dessert or prepare dips during the summer season. Coconut water An inexpensive coconut is full of health benefits and has wonderful cooling properties. It is laden with simple sugars, electrolytes and essential minerals which help keep the body well hydrated. In addition to that, there is evidence to suggest that coconut water has cancer fighting and anti-ageing properties as well. Watermelon Another fruit that can help you keep cool. We are not suggesting you to buy the chopped watermelon slices sold by the roadside vendors. In fact, they should never be consumed if you want to avoid the risk of a diarrhoea infection. Bring home a watermelon, cool it and have lots of it to benefit from the antioxidants present in this delicious fruit. Cucumber This crunchy vegetable costs little, has lots of fibre that can help keep constipation at bay. It can make each of your bites crunchier and help you stay cool as a cucumber! Mint Mint is a simple, easily available, inexpensive herb which you can add to your curd to make pudina raita or have it in the form of chutneys besides using it in dips. The best thing about it is that you can grow it in a small pot at home for your use. Though it does not help bring down the body temperature, we love it because of the delicious and refreshing taste. Green veggies Though green vegetables are good to have round the year, it is good to have lots of them during the summer months because they have a high water content. Avoid overcooking them because that can cause a loss of water contained therein. Onions Onions have amazing cooling properties. You can add it to your curries, dips, raitas, salads and chutneys to help keep you cool. The red onions, in particular, are very rich in quercetin, which is a natural anti-allergen. Having lots of onions can provide you protection against sunstroke. Melons This is another fruit which is nearly 90% water. Have lots of it in summers to stay cool and well hydrated. #bestdietciandrdeepa #bestsummerfoods #nutritionisthyderabad #famousdietician

  • Are alcohol calories any different than other food calories in terms of weight management goals?

    In  On 11 February 2017

    Q: Are alcohol calories any different than other food calories in terms of weight management goals?  A: A calorie is a calorie is a calorie. It doesn't matter what its source. But also not so much. Alcohol is ultimately a poison, and upon its ingestion your body's number one priority becomes GET IT OUT (this becomes more urgent as alcohol levels increase, which is why vomiting and diarrhoea can both follow or occur during a night of drinking). It's common knowledge that our poor livers get the worst of it, but not many people understand the roles the liver plays in helping our bodies regulate our immune systems, blood glucose levels, and helping decide what nutrients to use break down now vs what needs to get stored for later. Because alcohol sort of hijacks liver functions, the liver doesn't do as good a job at signalling when to draw on adipose tissue for energy and keeping blood-glucose levels where they should be. Alcohol can also damage pretty much every part of the GI tract with which it comes in contact, which can leading to nutrient absorption issues.  There are 7 calories per gram of alcohol, which makes it more calorically dense than a gram of either carbs or protein (4kcal/g). Then add the calories from the simple sugars that typically saturate alcoholic drinks, and you're basically drinking the caloric equivalent of a whole meal (assuming you're having a couple of drinks). As far as weight management goes, that will certainly throw off your daily calorie goals if you don't "budget" those extra calories in. #bestdietician #weightlosshyderabad

  • Benefits of Fasting

    In  On 11 February 2017

    Q: What are the benefits, if any, of fasting? A:Instead of eating three square meals a day, an eating schedule that involves "intermittent fasting" could help fight not just obesity but many related diseases of modern life, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. More and more research shows that intermittent fasting could have benefits. Ancient hunter-gatherers often ate only intermittently, the researchers noted. This suggests that the ability to function at a high level both physically and mentally during extended periods without food may have been crucial in human evolution, and that the human body may have adapted to perform at its best with intermittent fasting. Such intermittent fasting could consist of eating 500 calories or less either two days each week, or every other day, or not eating breakfast and lunch several days each week, the researchers said. Prior research suggests that in animals, intermittent fasting can fend off or even reverse such illnesses as diabetes, heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders. Animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting provides these benefits by allowing the body to respond better to stress that might otherwise damage it. For example, fasting could starve tumors, reduce inflammation, or improve the removal of damaged molecules and other components of cells, the researchers said. It may be challenging for people to fast intermittently, instead of eating three meals every day. Eating breakfast is often promoted as a weight-control aid, but recent evidence has suggested it might not be, the researchers said. #bestnutritionistdrdeepa #bestdieticiandrdeepa #weightlosshyderabad

  • Anti-oxidants

    In  On 05 September 2014

  • Cardiovascular Health

    In  On 18 July 2014

  • Post Weekend DETOX DIET

    In  On 15 June 2014

      <span a="" alcohol="" all="" and="" are="" back="" body="" brunch="" can="" come="" craving="" day="" diets.="" dinners="" eater="" especially="" even="" excess="" feeling="" finds="" first="" for="" form="" give="" guilty.="" happy="" hard="" healthiest="" help="" hour="" in="" into="" it="" leave="" meant="" more="" of="" on="" party="" relaxing="" s="" so="" span="" stay="" style="\" line-height:"="" that="" the="" thrown="" to="" track.="" unfortunately="" weekends="" what="" with="" you="" your="">re-establish a healthy equilibrium. Fluids are key since extra salt, sugar, and alcohol can dehydrate your body. Start the day with a tall glass of water or warm cup of any type of tea, then drink throughout the day, aiming for 2-3 litres to flush out the pollutants from the weekend. Plan to eat three meals, with lunch four hours after breakfast and dinner between 6 and 7. Focus on nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals since weekend fare tends to be the opposite. Have an afternoon snack around 4 p.m. of green drink powder mixed in water or a smoothie. Look for one containing sea vegetables, probiotics, grasses, and enzymes that will aid in proper digestion. You can also have a whole-food snack after dinner if you are hungry. Take a multivitamin, and at every meal pop a omega-3 supplement, which will help reduce the inflammation that can be caused by poor eating. At each meal, divide your plate so that it?half protein and half non-starchy veggies carbs. Incorporate dairy and fruit to optimize the variety of vitamins, minerals, and protein. High-water, high-fiber fruits such as berries, grapefruit, pears, cantaloupe, olives, and avocado will help clean out your gut and get your digestive system back on course, while dairy contains B vitamins, calcium, and vitamin D, all of which you likely skimped on over the weekend.

  • Cereals are a healthier bet for Breakfast!!

    In  On 14 June 2014

    With many breakfast cereals packaged as health foods perfect for weight loss and growing kids alike it is not surprising that many of us view them in this way. However, this image is surprisingly inaccurate, as sugar levels in packaged cereals are often extremely high, even in the most \"healthy\" sounding brands. While it is true that many of these cereals are fortified with vitamins and minerals, these nutrients are better taken in their natural form if possible, so stocking up on foods naturally abundant in vitamins and minerals and low in sugar such as oats, sugar free muesli, wholegrain bread or eggs would be a healthier, more nutritious breakfast choice.

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Deepa Agarwal

Famous and Best Dietician and Nutritionist in Hyderabad, India 

Dr. Deepa Agarwal holds a PhD in Clinical Nutrition from Sri Ramachandra Medical College (SRMC), Chennai. She is a Gold Medalist with publications in high impact factor journals and member of IDA, NIN, ISCN. Currently Consultant Nutritionist at NutriClinic, Hyderabad


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