Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution!!

Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution!!

By Deepa Agarwal  on: 13 June 2018
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Common Question asked for #Weight Loss and #Diabetes Management? 

Should the focus of nutrition therapy for type 2 diabetes be on weight loss or improved blood glucose control? 

It is likely that early in the course of the disease process, when insulin resistance is still prominent, either energy restriction or weight loss will improve blood glucose levels. But as the disease progresses and insulin deficiency becomes more prominent, it may be too late for weight loss to be helpful. In fact, at later stages of the disease, when medications, including insulin, need to be combined with nutrition therapy, prevention of weight gain often becomes the goal. However, glycemic control should take precedence over concerns about weight. 



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Keto Diet!!
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What is Keto Diet??? A Keto diet involves removing (or significantly reducing) your carbohydrate intake. It’s a diet that consists of high fat and high protein foods.  Ketosis is basically where your body uses fat and protein for fuel, instead of carbohydrates. When you remove carbohydrates (or significantly reduce them) from your diet, your body has no choice but to start using fat and protein for fuel instead. By cutting out a major food group (carbohydrates) you will increase your bodies ability to burn fat and also reduce the overall number of calories you consume (which will lead to further weight loss). If you are overweight then the obvious health benefit to following a ketosis food plan is weight loss. The heavier you are the more stress that you place on your vital organs: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, etc. Losing weight will reduce this unnecessary stress and help you to function more efficiently. A ketones diet also has a powerful effect on improving mental functioning (focus, memory, mood, etc) POSITIVE EFFECTS OF KETOGENIC DIETING… Rapid weight loss  Reduced Inflammation – less bloating, and puffiness around the eyes,  less aches and joint pains, clearer mental focus, positive mood Increased Energy – after the 1-2 week break in phase, people tend to start feeling vibrant and energised. Reduced Hunger & Cravings – after a couple of weeks on a ketogenic food plan hunger tends to slow down and your body gets used to the high fat/high protein foods Clearer Skin – It’s common to experience improvements to your skin when switching to a ketogenic diet. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF KETOSIS…  Headaches and mood swings – it’s not uncommon to experience fatigue, headaches and mood swings, especially during the first few weeks. This is largely down to your body adapting to the new keto foods and flushing toxins out of your system.  Cravings – if your current diet is rich in fast food/carbohydrates then you will likely experience cravings (again usually lasts for a couple of weeks) when switching to keto. This is because your body is used to the sugars and stimulants, so when you remove them you experience a withdrawal. Poor Sleep – carbohydrates help us relax and release feel good hormones that promote good quality sleep. One of the side effects that can happen on a keto plan is experiencing poor sleep. It’s usually a temporary phase and there are supplements which you can buy to help you get a good nights sleep (magnesium, zinc and melatonin) #weightlossfoods #Bestdieticianinhyderabad #DrDeepaAgarwalNutritionist #Ketodiet
Deepa Agarwal

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Famous and Best Dietician and Nutritionist in Hyderabad, India 

As a child growing up in Siliguri, a small town in the North Eastern part of India, I was taught by my father, a great humanitarian, the importance of dedicating one's life to serving people and knew from a young age that my passion was to heal the sick and become a successful health care professional. Yet, I desired to become a Clinical Nutritionist with determination and commitment. After graduating from Osmania University, Hyderabad, I sought further education at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai, for the only reason that this was the only medical institution then providing a full fledged Masters program in Clinical Nutrition with superior clinical training and exposure. Clinical Nutritionist plays a vital role in providing Optimal Medical Nutrition Therapy for the plethora of diseases inherent in both adults and pediatrics which is very satisfying. An achievement starts with a desire, and takes one on a long journey. Mario Andretti once said,Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. Setting out on mine, I graduated from Osmania University, where my passion and drive for Clinical nutrition was nurtured and I was awarded the Best out going student as well as the best academic performance award. To this end, I then completed my Masters program. At Sri Ramachandra Medical College I got familiarized with the healthcare system by working one-on-one with clinicians as well as with patients, thus broadening my clinical knowledge.In order to stay current with the fields advancements, I attended International, National and Regional Conferences, Workshops and Symposiums. Next milestone in my career was registering for PhD at Sri Ramachandra Medical College. During my PhD tenure I was exposed to the research field. Publications in various peer reviewed indexed International and National journals is a reflection of my academic achievement. Collectively experiences of rigor, self-discipline and dedication, have given me tremendous insight into what to expect during my training. My passion for Nutrition also extends to volunteerism: I have actively involved in conducting community programs emphasizing on optimal nutrition from pediatrics to geriatrics. Dr Deepa Agarwal is one of the best dietician/ Nutritionist in Hyderabad. Famous for weight loss consultations.
Deepa Agarwal
Dr. Deepa Agarwal
Famous and Best Dietician and Nutritionist in Hyderabad Register Now!

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